CSR Management

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UACJ has established its CSR Committee to address a broad array of social demands. Chaired by the president, the committee’s membership also includes UACJ’s full-time directors, works managers, the head of its Research & Development Division, the heads of relevant departments, and the presidents of principal Group companies.

Basic Policy on CSR

Based on the UACJ Group’s management philosophy, we:

  • As a member of international society, abide by the laws, and respect the cultures and customs, of countries where we engage in business,
  • Contribute to the development of society through solid, sound business activities, and
  • Communicate with stakeholders to earn their confidence and trust.

Relationships with Stakeholders

Flg. Relationships with Stakeholders

System for Advancing CSR

At UACJ, the CSR Committee, chaired by UACJ’s president and with membership consisting of UACJ’s full-time directors, works managers, the head of its Research & Development Division, the heads of relevant departments, and the presidents of principal Group companies advances CSR activities throughout the company.

The CSR Committee meets in May of every year to deliberate policies and measures on matters concerning all aspects of CSR and risk management, and exercises supervision of every fiscal year’s activities. Using case studies of compliance violations, and other tools, it also functions as a training venue for executives and managers.

Following the meeting, members of the CSR Committee share the committee’s decisions with the units they oversee in an effort that disseminates this information throughout the company. Information on CSR policies and measures is disseminated to affiliates in Japan via the General Affairs Liaison Committee and other channels.

In addition, the Safety and Hygiene Committee, Environmental Committee, Quality Committee, HR Development Committee, and R&D Committee address CSR issues in their respective areas.

CSR Promotion Organization Chart

Flg. CSR Promotion Organization Chart

Responsibilities to and Methods for Communicating with Principal Stakeholders

  Key Responsibilities Communication Methods
Customers Maintain and improve the quality of products and services

Provide products and services that are good for society

Use a wide variety of technologies and expertise to solve customers’ problems
Dialogue in daily business dealings


Dialogue through technology exhibits and trade shows

Customer satisfaction surveys
Suppliers Build sound relationships through fair transactions respecting laws and ordinances

Fulfill CSRs throughout the supply chain
Dialogue in daily business dealings
Environment Reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Promote energy efficiency and recycling

Protect biodiversity

Reduce industrial waste

Manage and reduce harmful chemical substances
Operate within laws and regulations

Support the Kyoto Protocol on fighting global warming, the Nagoya Protocol on biodiversity, and other international agreements

Support environmental activities advanced by Japan’s Ministry of the Environment and others
Investors Provide appropriate returns

Make timely and appropriate disclosures

Increase corporate value
General meeting of shareholders

Shareholder communications

Results briefings

Telephone conference

One-on-one meetings

Shareholder plant tours

Employees Respect human rights

Develop personnel, and provide fair evaluations and compensation

Protect worker safety and health (including mental health)

Support diverse working styles, and employee efforts to meet work and personal responsibilities
Company Newsletter

Local Communities Support sports and cultural activities, and efforts to nurture future generations

Participate in and support traditional events

Support and work with local and other NPOs
Plant tours

Local events

Neighborhood clean-up and other social contribution activities by employees

Objectives and Results

  Fiscal 2017 Objectives Fiscal 2017 Results Assessment Fiscal 2018 Objectives
Highlight Compliance Enhance education on the Group Code of Conduct. Revised Group Code of Conduct education materials and conducted programs based on the revised materials. Continue to conduct education programs on the Group Code of Conduct.
Pledge to abide by the Group Code of Conduct. Conducted education programs on the Group Code of Conduct for employees at UACJ and 30 Group companies.

Had officers and department managers pledge compliance with the Group Code of Conduct to the presidents of UACJ and domestic Group companies.

Conducted education programs on the Group Code of Conduct for employees at 22 of the 31 overseas Group companies.
Continue conducting education programs and having individuals pledge compliance with the Group Code of Conduct.

Increase the percent of overseas Group companies where these activities are conducted.
Properly implement rules for reporting compliance problems. Worked through liaison meetings of general affairs employees to promote broad-based understanding of reporting rules Continue efforts to promote understanding of reporting rules.
Raise awareness of and enhance the internal reporting system Used Code of Conduct education programs and other opportunities to promote understanding of how to report compliance problems. Considered implementing a global internal reporting system. Continue to promote understanding of how to report compliance problems internally.
Hold workshops on the Antimonopoly Law and Subcontract Act. Conducted education on the Antimonopoly Law and anti-bribery laws.

Included coverage of the Antimonopoly Law in job-level training.

Conducted education on the Revised Act on the Protection of Personal Information.
Continue education on the Antimonopoly Law, anti-bribery laws, the Subcontract Act, and other individual laws.

Conduct education on the Revised Act on the Protection of Personal Information and the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation.
Promote Risk Management Conduct Group-wide risk management activities. Recorded the status of department-level activities in a risk management chart.

Presented an overall review of activities to the CSR Committee.
Continue the activities conducted in fiscal 2017.
Systematically revise the BCP. Systematically revised the BCP. Review the BCP and make revisions based on the results.
Implement employee safety confirmation systems and install emergency communications equipment at Group companies. Completed implementation of safety confirmation systems at UACJ and domestic Group companies (30).. Completed installation of emergency communications equipment at key domestic locations (20 companies, 48 business locations). Continue to promote understanding and conduct training for the establishment of emergency safety confirmation and contact systems.
Establish an emergency contact system and install an emergency communications system. Continued implementation of the emergency contact system. Manage and maintain the emergency contact system.
Conduct training for setting up a disaster-response headquarters and responding to a disaster Conducted training for setting up a disaster-response headquarters and responding to a disaster.

Conducted disaster-response training at the UACJ headquarters and at individual works.
Implement a more advanced training curriculum.