UACJ Assets


Training Competitive Global Human Resources

One of our objectives for management integration was to become “an aluminum industry leader in a competitive global market.” This requires skilled personnel capable of understanding and abiding by our management philosophy and company principles. Rather than simply maintaining the status quo, they must have the constant drive to pursue improvement and innovation.

This requires practical skills and qualities, including “the ability to understand different cultures and act globally,” “act based on the best perspective for UACJ,” and “act with a persistent commitment to improve onsite quality and technologies.”

Employees with such traits are the source of the Group's competitiveness. In order to ensure the continual nurturing of human capital, our workplaces provide an environment where each employee can grow and feel a sense of personal accomplishment.

Foundation Based on Employee-specific Training

The Human Resources Development Department of UACJ is dedicated to overseeing the development and training of personnel. This department supports Group companies, helping to ensure that their human resource development and training policies are effective.

The foundation of human resource development and training in the UACJ Group is “employee-specific training.” Utilizing three forms of education (i.e., on-the-job training, course-based education and self-study), our aim is to help each individual visualize their role and how she/he contributes to the company as they grow.

Employees must be aware of, and value their personal growth. But it is also vital for supervisors in the workplace to create opportunities that train and develop employees through their work, and that the managerial layer utilizes a framework that encourages growth. Always mindful of these responsibilities, we make every effort to provide opportunities for learning and growth, including both new employee and stratified training.

Number of Stratified Training Participants in Fiscal 2014
  UACJ headquarters Affiliated companies Total
Management 64 60 124
General staff 144 36 180
Engineers 192 205 397
Total 400 301 701

Nurturing Human Capital with a Global Perspective

One of the guiding principles for employees of UACJ Group companies is to “consistently adopt a long-term global outlook and be flexible to changing environments such as globalization, while respecting the laws, cultures and customs of each country, and contributing to the development of their societies.” We are nurturing global human capital capable of fulfilling this responsibility.

As part of these efforts, we hold English-language business skills seminars focusing on global business approaches. We have also invited trainees from the UATH Rayong Works to Japan for technical and managerial training. In the future, we will continue introducing tangible training initiatives for local staff employed by our overseas Group companies.

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Promoting Diversity

Turning Employee Diversity into Group-wide Growth

From the perspective of supporting initiatives to advance into new fields and develop global business further, the UACJ Group actively promotes employee diversity, disregarding factors such as gender, age, nationality and disabilities. In fiscal 2014 new graduate hires included 18 general staff (16 male and 2 female), 21 planning and technologies staff (all male) and 21 engineering staff (all male). We are proactively recruiting foreign nationals, and have employed a total of six foreign employees since fiscal 2011.

We are actively increasing employment opportunities for women and increasing the number of female managers. As of the end of fiscal 2014, there were 69*1 female managers in the Group. We also consider it a social responsibility to provide employment opportunities for people with disabilities. In April 2015, we opened a new Nagoya location for UACJ Green-Net, a special subsidiary dedicated to increasing employment opportunities for people with disabilities. As of June 1, 2015, the ratio of people with disabilities employed by UACJ was 2.33%,*2 exceeding the legally required ratio of 2.0%.

We also actively reemploy aged retirees, promoting the transfer of technical skills, technologies and expertise from experienced professionals to the workforce. As of the end of April 2015, 215 such workers were employed.

*1 Includes UACJ Group companies that are not consolidated subsidiaries.

*2 Ratio calculated includes special subsidiaries system currently consisting of UACJ Green-NET (special subsidiary) and UACJ Foil Corporation (subsidiary) together with UACJ.

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Ensuring Occupational Safety and Health

Creating Anxiety-free Working Environments

Employee safety, hygiene and health are top priorities throughout the UACJ Group, and health and safety activities are promoted with the participation of all employees. In addition to adhering to labor-related laws and regulations, we also introduced a health and safety management system that is overseen by general safety and health managers at each business site. This includes the occupational safety and health management systems introduced and being used at the Nagoya, Fukui, Fukaya and Nikko works. These ongoing activities are geared toward achieving “zero risk of accident in the workplace.”

Plans for tangible safety management activities are created by individual factories, doing so in accordance with Group policies on health and safety activities after deliberation by onsite general managers and health and safety officers.

For fiscal 2014, the ratio of accidents requiring time off from work was 0.93 while the total ratio was 1.43

Workplace Accidents Status
Workplace Accidents Status

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Respecting Human Rights and Diverse Working Styles

Creating Positive Working Environments Conducive to Enjoyable Lifestyles for All

It is the stance of the UACJ Group to ensure an anxiety-free corporate work culture where employees respect each other's individuality and human rights. We have set up consultation hotlines to help prevent and respond swiftly to sexual harassment, power harassment and other human rights issues. Such issues are covered in our stratified training and corporate code of conduct training programs as well.

We also respect our employees' lifestyles and provide a variety of systems, including a childcare leave system, to enrich both home- and work-life. The use of these systems by male employees is also promoted.

To Be a Good Corporate Citizen

When it comes to CSR, one of the basic policies of the UACJ Group is to communicate with stakeholders to earn their confidence and trust. As a good corporate citizen, we hold annual events, such as the Inari Festival organized by the Nagoya Works and the Summer Festival held on the grounds of UACJ Copper Tube Corporation, to deepen communications with local communities. We have also created the Volunteer Leave System that allows employees to take time off from work to participate in volunteer activities of their own choosing.

Inari Festival (Nagoya Works)
Inari Festival (Nagoya Works)