Heat Exchangers

Aluminum Brazing Sheets

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For Brazed Automobile Heat Exchangers

Picture of Aluminum Brazing Sheets

Cladding an aluminum-silicon alloy with a brazing sheet provides an aluminum alloy that has the thin walls necessary for use in automobile heat exchangers, as well as such desirable characteristics as high strength, corrosion resistance and formability. We have developed and are refining a variety of products of this sort.


  • We select from our diverse library of alloys the optimal combination of core materials and brazing materials that will suit the environment in which they will be used and the needs of each particular customer, and combine them into products.
  • We develop highly reliable aluminum materials by determining the alloy's brazing material and cladding ratio, a diffuse interface due to the metallic composition of the core materials, and using flow control to form highly reliable joints.
  • To ensure that heat exchangers have high corrosion resistance, we determine the brazing material's compatibility with the material to which it will be attached (fin materials or tube materials), decide on the alloy to be used as the core material, its metallic composition and optimal tempering.
  • We provide products globally through our bases in Japan and overseas (China, Thailand and Greece).


  • Automobile heat exchangers

Types of heat exchangers

Fig. Types of heat exchangers

Product Characteristics

Characteristics Required for Brazing Sheets

Characteristics Description
Ability of brazing material to adhere Ability to form fillets in necessary locations
Corrosion resistance No refrigerant or coolant tubing can pass through
Sag resistance No high-temperature buckling during brazing
Strength High strength, while more lightweight and with thinner walls
Heat transfer rate Good heat conduction to disperse heat

Fundamental Brazing Sheet Cladding Structure

Various types of brazing sheet used, depending on application

Single-sided cladding

Fig. Single-sided cladding

Dual-sided cladding

Fig. Dual-sided cladding

Dual-sided cladding

Fig. Dual-sided cladding

Brazing material: Al-Si alloys, Core material: Al-Mn alloys, Sacrificial anode material: Al-Zn alloys, Plate thickness: 0.06–3.0 mm, Cladding ratio: 1–25%

Characteristics of cladding materials

Strength after brazing

Graph of Strength after brazing

Brazing material Al-10Si
Core material Al-Mn-Mg-Xcu
Brazing material Al-10Si

Plate thickness: 0.06–3.0 mm
Cladding ratio: 1–25%

Cross sectional photo after corrosion testing

Cross sectional photo after corrosion testing
Sacrificial materials used to resist pitting corrosion on clad materials

Overview of Brazing Material

Noncorrosive flux brazing method

Fig. Noncorrosive flux brazing method