
Assets (The former Furukawa-Sky)

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Consolidated Balance Sheets

* Years ended March 31


(Millions of yen)

  2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Current assets 79,533 89,239 112,782 102,670 95,561
Non-current assets 114,110 110,938 105,096 110,328 122,221
Property, plant and equipment, net of accumulated depreciation 106,708 97,828 89,417 85,766 94,469
Intangible fixed assets 1,937 2,409 1,890 1,574 1,820
Investments and other assets 5,466 10,701 13,789 22,987 25,932
Total 193,644 200,176 217,878 212,998 217,782


(Millions of yen)

  2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Current liabilities 84,535 85,699 88,169 91,261 90,093
Long-term liabilities 52,419 54,861 59,802 50,559 50,390
Total 136,954 140,560 147,971 141,819 140,483

Net assets

(Millions of yen)

  2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Shareholders' equity 60,388 59,162 69,995 71,978 73,964
Paid-in capital 16,528 16,528 16,528 16,528 16,528
Capital surplus 35,184 35,184 35,184 35,184 35,184
Retained earnings 8,676 7,452 18,284 20,267 22,254
Treasury stock (1) (2) (2) (2) (3)
Total valuation, translation adjustments and other (5,352) (31) (633) (1394) 2,519
Unrealized (losses) gains on available-for-sale securities (30) 169 193 180 240
Deferred gains (losses) on derivatives under hedge accounting (4,915) 47 157 (423) 25
Foreign currency translation adjustments (407) (247) (982) (1,151) 2,253
Minority interests 1,654 486 546 596 816
Total net assets 56,690 59,617 69,907 71,179 77,299
Total 193,644 200,176 217,878 212,998 217,782

Total assets

Graph of Total assets

Net assets

Graph of Net assets