Respect for Human Rights
Basic Approach
Among its provisions, the UACJ Group’s Code of Conduct calls for respect for human rights, prohibition of harassment, prohibition of the use of child labor and forced labor, and respect for basic labor rights. Understanding of the importance of respecting human rights is emphasized in job-level education, intra-departmental education focusing on the Code of Conduct, and in other settings, as well.
UACJ Group Human Rights Policy
1. Introduction
The UACJ Group Human Rights Policy expresses our commitment to respect for human rights based on the UACJ Way, the UACJ Group Philosophy to “contribute to society by using raw materials to manufacture products that enhance prosperity and sustainability,” and the action guidelines established to ensure we are a company that sustainably supports society and livelihoods. The Human Rights Policy was formulated with reference to the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and the government of Japan’s Action Plan on Business or Labor Law of each country and Human Rights.
The UACJ Group takes steps to prevent human rights violations in its business activities and, in the unlikely event a violation occurs responds to the utmost seriousness.
2. Scope of Application
All officers and employees of UACJ and the UACJ Group companies honor the respect for human rights expressed in the Human Rights Policy.
We also expect partner companies engaged in UACJ Group business activities to follow the policy and promote cooperation in efforts to prevent and eliminate factors with potential impacts on human rights.
3. Applicable Laws and Regulations
UACJ Group will comply with the laws and regulations of the countries and regions in which it operates.
- Based on the guiding principles of the United Nations on Business and Human Rights, we will promote business activities that respect human rights. We support and respect international human rights norms such as;
- The International Bill of Human Rights (the Universal Declaration of Human Rights),
- The International Covenant on Human Rights,
- The ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles, and the
- Rights at Work (the ILO Core Labour Standards). - In the event of any discrepancy between the interpretation of international standards and the laws and regulations of the countries or regions in which we operate, we will seek a reasonable solution based on the interests of the people affected.
4. Human Rights Policy
- The UACJ Group will not infringe on the human rights of those affected by any of its business activities.
- The UACJ Group will thoroughly investigate and comply with the laws and regulations of each country/region in which UACJ Group operates.
- UACJ respects the religions, customs, cultures, and traditions of each country and region.
- UACJ does not permit forced or child labour.
- UACJ respects diversity and does not discriminate or harass on the basis of race, creed, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, language, religion, ideology, social origin, or disability.
- The UACJ Group guarantees the freedom of association.
- The UACJ Group will take appropriate measures to rectify negative impacts on human rights in its business activities.
5. In-house Education and Training
The UACJ Group provides appropriate training and education to executives and employees to effectively implement human rights policies related to business and human rights. Furthermore, individual department heads strive to appropriately maintain and manage the Human Rights Policy.
6. Human Resource Development Policy
The UACJ Group recognizes that its employees are the most vital source of its ability to develop technology that “elicits the full power of materials,” and we will continue providing an open and supportive work environment where employees together and individually embody the UACJ Way.
7. Human Rights Due Diligence
Based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, UACJ will establish and continuously implement human rights due diligence mechanisms. We will identify the negative impacts and risks of human rights in our business activities, and strive to prevent and mitigate such impacts and risks. We will also disclose the progress and results of human rights due diligence.
8. Dialogue, Discussions, and Remedies
The UACJ Group will continue to engage in dialogue and consultation with external experts on human rights in its business and human rights policies. We will encourage all UACJ business partners to respect human rights and work to resolve human rights violations if they are identified. UACJ seeks remedy through dialogue and appropriate procedures when it is clear that business and business activities have caused or encouraged negative human rights impacts.
UACJ’s Human Rights Policy (201KB)
Human Rights Education for Employees
The UACJ Group Code of Conduct establishes respect for human rights as a part of our culture, and we provide annual training on human rights for all employees.
In fiscal 2023, the training was attended by all employees (excluding individuals who could not participate due to illness or other specific reasons). In 2024, we will continue providing Code of Conduct education for all UACJ employees and human rights education for all Group company employees in Japan and overseas.
Statement on UK Modern Slavery Act
The UACJ Group discloses this statement in accordance with Section 54 of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015.