
Assets (The former Sumitomo Light Metal)

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Consolidated Balance Sheets

* Years ended March 31


(Millions of yen)

  2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Current assets 95,637 91,337 92,504 102,220 96,092
Non-current assets 225,691 218,560 214,144 219,929 222,326
Property, plant and equipment, net of accumulated depreciation 180,846 161,028 154,673 149,690 149,135
Intangible fixed assets 1,123 712 713 944 978
Investments and other assets 43,721 56,819 58,757 69,294 72,212
Total 321,330 309,897 306,649 322,150 318,418


(Millions of yen)

  2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Current liabilities 174,131 152,985 149,819 171,960 161,765
Long-term liabilities 128,263 128,311 121,562 96,928 95,785
Total 302,395 281,297 271,381 268,889 257,551

Net assets

(Millions of yen)

  2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Shareholders' equity 32,072 31,802 38,989 58,301 58,259
Paid-in capital 20,211 22,966 22,966 28,459 28,459
Capital surplus 5,902 3,260 3,260 5,492 5,492
Retained earnings 6,035 5,579 12,768 24,355 24,315
Treasury stock (76) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Total valuation, translation adjustments and other (14,144) (4,074) (4,430) (5,898) 1,644
Unrealized (losses) gains on available-for-sale securities (1,232) 568 288 28 972
Deferred gains (losses) on derivatives under hedge accounting (875) 171 (60) (201) (113)
Foreign currency translation adjustments (21,821) (14,475) (14,322) (16,391) (9,867)
Minority interests 1,006 872 708 858 962
Total net assets 18,934 28,600 35,267 53,261 60,867
Total 321,330 309,897 306,649 322,150 318,418

Total assets

Graph of Total assets

Net assets

Graph of Net assets