ECOMASHINAROI Lead-Free Free-Machining Aluminum Alloys

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For realizing lead-free automobiles and electrical equipment

Various precision machined products

To address growing demand for lead-free automobiles and electrical equipment, UACJ supplies the lead-free aluminum alloy ECOMASHINAROI. Lead is typically added to aluminum alloy to enhance scrap processability, but in recent years its use has been restricted due to environmental concerns.


  • Machinability
    CB156 is an ideal substitute for alloy 2011, which contains lead.
    CB256 is designed for use in environments where temperatures are 100˚C or above and is effective as a substitute for alloy 2017.
  • Chip treatability
    CB156 offers the same machinability as alloy 2011, which has had lead added.
    CB256 demonstrates superior chip treatability to alloy 2017.
  • Mechanical properties
    CB156 and CB256 offer strength that is close to that of alloy 2011.
    * Depending on the usage environment, there are some cases where the use of lead-free free-machining alloys is not appropriate. Please discuss this with us in advance.
  • Alumite treatability
    GT209 offers superior alumite treatability at the same level as AA6.

Chemical Composition

  Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Cr Zn Ti Pb Bi Sn Al Remarks
CB156 0.4 or less 0.7 or less 4.5–6.0 - - - 0.3 or less - - Bi+Sn=
bal. Lead-free, tin added
CB256 0.4 or less 0.7 or less 4.5–6.0 - - - 0.3 or less - - 0.6–1.8 - bal. Lead-free, tin-free
2011 0.4 or less 0.7 or less 5.0–6.0 - - - 0.3 or less - 0.2–0.6 0.2–0.6 - bal. Lead added
2017 0.2–0.8 0.7 or less 3.5–4.5 0.4–1.0 0.4–0.8 0.1 or less 0.25 or less 0.15 or less - - - bal. Material in general use


Mechanical properties

Types and mechanical properties of aluminum alloys for use in free machining

Alloy series Material temper Lead content
(% of mass)
Mechanical properties Chip treatability Surface treatability Corrosion resistance Toughness at high temperatures
Tensile strength
Yield strength
2000 series lead-free material CB156-T8 - 420 320 15 〇–△
CB256-T8 - 440 330 15
2000 series traditional material 2011-T8 0.6 440 330 15
2017-T4 - 440 275 20
6000 series lead-free material GT209-T6 - 310 270 14

*◎: Extremely good 〇: Good △: Fairly poor ×: Poor

Chip treatability

External appearance of chips after machining

External appearance of chips after machining