
High-Strength Aluminum Alloy Sheets for Structures

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For frames and structural materials

UACJ supplies a variety of high-strength aluminum alloy sheets for the mobility sector, where there is a growing demand for lightweight products. They have superior strength and weldability, and as well as application in automobiles, they are ideal for use as frames and structural materials, including in railway rolling stock.


  • Comprehensive type
    Starting with the 75S high-strength aluminum alloy sheet, materials can be selected according to the specific application.
  • Promoting lighter weight
    As the sheets are strong enough to be used in frames and structural materials, they help reduce the weight of the components.

Special features

Types & Properties

High strength aluminum alloy sheets for structures (thickness: 1 mm)

Alloy series Material properties AA-equivalent alloys*1 Tensile strength
Yield strength
Shear strength
Fatigue strength
5×107 times
5000 series 52S-O 5052-O 195 90 25 120 105
D54S-O 5454-O 225 100 27
A254S-O 5154-O 240 115 27
183S-O 5083-O 290 145 24 170
6000 series 561S-O 6061-O 120 45 34
561S-T6 6061-T6 315 275 17 205 100
SG09-T6 6111-T6 315 260 16
7000 series ZK141-T7 7204-T7 360 280 16 190 125
75S-T6 7075-T6 570 510 11 330 155 ×

*1 AA: The Aluminum Association (U.S.A.); numbers show the equivalent alloys.

*2 Stress corrosion cracking performance differs depending on usage environment.

  • ◎ Will not crack (even in very severe conditions)
  • 〇 May crack (in severe conditions)
  • △ May crack
  • × Will crack