Furukawa-Sky Review No.2 (April 2006)

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Development of the Manufacturing Technology of the Precision Compressor Wheel Casting for Turbo Charger

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  • 五月女 貴之
    Takayuki Sotome
  • 迫田 正一
    Shoichi Sakoda


Recently, the demand for turbo chargers for automobiles is increasing world wide because of the emission regulations in Europe and the expansion of the Asian car market. The compressor wheel is the main unit of a turbo charger, and not only high durability, but also high dimensional accuracy, is required of it by customers. The most important property required is the initial balance (=coaxiality). We have developed new manufacturing technology at our casting plant to improve the initial balance.

技術論文 / Technology Articles

  1. 缶胴のボトムしわ発生に及ぼすアルミニウム合金板の材料特性の影響
    Effect of Material Properties of Aluminum Alloy Sheet on Bottom Wrinkling of Can Body
  2. ワックス添加プレコート材の潤滑特性
    Lubrication Properties of Aluminum Sheets Pre-coated with Wax
  3. 車載高圧水素タンク用6061合金の疲労特性
    Fatigue Properties of 6061 Aluminum Alloy for On-board High Pressure Hydrogen-Gas Tanks
  4. ろう付加熱後に熱処理を施したAl-Mn-Cu合金の粒界腐食感受性
    Intergranular Corrosion Susceptibility of Al-Mn-Cu Alloy Subjected to Heat Treatment after Brazing Heating
  5. ターボチャージャ用高精度コンプレッサホイール鋳物の製造技術開発
    Development of the Manufacturing Technology of the Precision Compressor Wheel Casting for Turbo Charger

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