Furukawa-Sky Review No.2 (April 2006)

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Present Situation and Problems of Recycling of Aluminum Scrap Material Recovered From End of Life Vehicles

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  • 大瀧 光弘
    Mitsuhiro Ohtaki


Aluminum alloy products used in automobiles are increasing mainly in the engine, transmission, tire wheels and other castings and die-castings. However, there are still few wrought alloy products used for the hood and frame in the current situation. These aluminum alloy products are mostly recovered through the processes of dismantling → shredding → material recovery and are recycled in the form of secondary ingot for castings and die-castings. The amount of scrap will increase, and it is said that there will be a surplus of scrap in 2020 in the earliest case. Scrap absorption in the casting and die-casting industry will be dubious then. When aluminum scrap is recovered from End of Life Vehicle(ELV) and recycled into a wrought alloy, the technical problem in this process is to prevent incrementation of impurity elements and to optimize the surface coating removal method. To prevent incrementation of impurities appropriate secondary dismantling is needed. The surface coating removal process is indispensable for the work environment and melting yield, and shredding + kiln heating is effective for this process. A test was conducted using actual ELVs, and results showed that large aluminum wrought alloy parts can be dismantled relatively easily, and it is technically feasible to recycle those parts as wrought alloy material using currently available technology. In the economic aspect, cost reduction in the processes of dismantling and recovery (including purchase and transport) is important.

技術解説 / Technologies

  1. 廃車から回収されるアルミニウムスクラップリサイクルの現状と今後の課題
    Present Situation and Problems of Recycling of Aluminum Scrap Material Recovered From End of Life Vehicles
  2. ノンクロム下地処理の動向
    Trends of Non-chrome Pretreatments for Painting

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