Furukawa-Sky Review No.2 (April 2006)

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Trends of Non-chrome Pretreatments for Painting

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  • 加藤 治
    Osamu Kato


As environmental problems are becoming serious, lightness and ease of recycling have come to be strongly required, and aluminum products are used in a growing number of fields because they satisfy these requirements. Most aluminum products are subjected to surface treatment for improving design flexibility, corrosion resistance and other various functions. As the pretreatment for painting, for example, they are given chromate conversion in most cases. On the other hand, various laws and ordinances have been established concerning environmental regulations, and heavy metals such as chrome are regulated more tightly in order to avoid the environmental problems, so non-chrome treatments are being investigated in various fields. This article outlines the regulations established to reduce environmental loads and describes the trend towards non-chrome pretreatments for representative aluminum products.

技術解説 / Technologies

  1. 廃車から回収されるアルミニウムスクラップリサイクルの現状と今後の課題
    Present Situation and Problems of Recycling of Aluminum Scrap Material Recovered From End of Life Vehicles
  2. ノンクロム下地処理の動向
    Trends of Non-chrome Pretreatments for Painting

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