Furukawa-Sky Review No.9 (April 2013)

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Effect of Cold Rolling Reduction on Development of Recrystallization Textures in an Al-Mg-Si Alloy

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  • 竹田 博貴
    Hiroki Takeda
  • 日比野 旭
    Akira Hibino
  • 高田 健
    Ken Takata

Al-Mg-Si 系合金板材において,再結晶集合組織の形成に及ぼす冷間圧延率の影響について調査を行った。Cube({001}<100>)方位密度は冷間圧延率に応じて劇的に変化し,67%を超える高冷間圧延率では急減した。一方,Cube方位の急減に伴いCubeND方位({001}<520>),R方位({123}<634>),P方位({011}<111>)の方位密度は増加した。部分再結晶組織の観察から,このCube方位密度の減少,およびCubeND,R,P方位の発達の主要因は粒子促進核生成(PSN)機構によるものと推察され,また,再結晶組織の発達には再結晶粒と周囲のマトリックス(圧延集合組織)の方位関係が重要であること が示唆された。

The effect of cold rolling reduction on development of recrystallization textures in an Al-Mg-Si alloy was investigated. The orientation density of Cube ({001}<100>) texture after the annealing at 833 K decreased dramatically at over 67% cold rolling reduction. However, CubeND ({001}<520>), R ({123}<634>), and P ({011}<111>) textures increased with decreasing orientation density of Cube. The decrease in orientation density of Cube and the increase in orientation density of CubeND, R, and P were assumed to be mainly caused by particle stimulated nucleation (PSN). In addition, this study suggested that development of recrystallized textures was affected by orientation rotation relationships between recrystallized grains and surrounding deformed matrix.

技術論文 / Technology Articles

  1. High Strain Rate Blow Formability of Newly Developed Al-Mg-High-Mn Alloy
  2. Al-Mg-Si系合金の再結晶集合組織形成に及ぼす冷間圧延率の影響
    Effect of Cold Rolling Reduction on Development of Recrystallization Textures in an Al-Mg-Si Alloy
  3. ろう付加熱後に180℃熱処理したAI-Mn-Cu系合金の粒界腐食感受性
    Intergranular Corrosion Susceptibility for AI-Mn-Cu Alloys Subjected to Heat Treatment at 180℃ after Brazing Process
  4. アルミニウム合金の腐食試験における酢酸の孔食促進効果
    Effects of Acetic Acid on Pitting Corrosion Acceleration in Corrosion Tests of Aluminum Alloys
  5. Al-Mn系合金のしきい応力に及ぼすマグネシウム添加の影響
    Effects of Magnesium Addition on Threshold Stress of Al-Mn Alloys

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