Furukawa-Sky Review No.9 (April 2013)

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Effects of Magnesium Addition on Threshold Stress of Al-Mn Alloys

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  • 安藤 誠
    Makoto Ando
  • 鈴木 義和
    Yoshikazu Suzuki
  • 伊藤 吾朗
    Goroh Itoh

Al-Mn系合金のしきい応力に及ぼすMg添加の影響を検討した。A3003相当合金と,これに0.2mass%のMgを添加した合金とを,160℃,200℃および240℃にて高温引張試験およびクリープ試験に供することにより,しきい応力の大きさを評価した。160℃と200℃においては,Mg添加合金は無添加の合金より大きなしきい応力を示したが,240℃においては両合金でほぼ同程度であった。また,両合金ともにこのしきい応力の値は,分散粒子の密度から求めたオロワン応力よりも大 きかった。これらの結果は,固溶Mnがしきい応力を増大させていることを示唆するものである。また,固溶Mgはこのような固溶Mnの効果を増大させるものであると推定されるが,より高温においてはその効果は失われると考えられる。

The effects of Mg addition on the threshold stress of Al-Mn alloys were investigated. A3003 aluminum alloy and 0.2 mass% of Mg-added alloy were subjected to high-temperature tensile testing and creep testing at temperatures of 160, 200 and 240℃ , and the threshold stress at each of these temperatures was evaluated. The Mg-added alloy showed higher threshold stress than the A3003 aluminum alloy at 160 and 200℃ . This effect of Mg addition diminishes with temperature, however, and the threshold stress was approximately the same in both alloys at 240℃ . Further, the threshold stress, which was normalized by elastic modulus at each temperature was higher than the Orowan stress that was calculated from the dispersion density. These results indicate that the solid solution of Mn enhances the threshold stress of the A3003 aluminum alloy, because the diffusion velocity of Mn is sufficiently small to limit the mobility of the dislocations. The solid solution of Mg may enhance such an effect of Mn; however, at higher temperatures, Mg does not have any effect.

技術論文 / Technology Articles

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  5. Al-Mn系合金のしきい応力に及ぼすマグネシウム添加の影響 Effects of Magnesium Addition on Threshold Stress of Al-Mn Alloys

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