Furukawa-Sky Review No.1 (April 2005)

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Effects of Microstructure and Arrangement of Dislocation Cell Walls on the Yield Stress Anisotropy in Al-Mg Alloy Sheets

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  • 佐久間 尚幸
    Takayuki Sakuma
  • 小松原 俊雄
    Toshio Komatsubara

例えば,アルミニウム圧延材の強度や成形性は,圧延方向に対して平行,直角,45º の方向で特性が異なる。このような現象は異方性と呼ばれている。一般に,異方性には集合組織(結晶方位の集積度合)が大きな影響を及ぼすと理解されている。しかし,著者らは転位組織もまた未再結晶材の降伏応力の異方性を引き起こすことを報告した。

Strength and formability, for example, of rolled aluminum sheets show different values in accordance with the relative angle between the tensile and rolling directions, i.e. parallel, perpendicular or 45º to the rolling direction. This phenomenon is called anisotropy, and it is generally understood that crystallographic texture has a significant influence on the anisotropy. However, we previously reported that dislocation structure also caused yield stress anisotropy in non-recrystallized sheets. In this work, the yield stress anisotropy in Al-Mg alloy sheets popularly used for can end stock and the like was studied by microstructural observations including arrangement of dislocation cell walls. As a result, it was found that the change in anisotropy by annealing was strongly affected by the type of initial dislocation cell arrangement introduced by cold rolling. Therefore, in order to control the yield stress anisotropy, optimization of the microstructure and the dislocation cell arrangement with appropriate thermomechanical treatment is the most important issue.

一般論文 / Articles

  1. 飲料用アルミニウム缶材料の開発
    Development of Aluminum Beverage Can Stocks
  2. Al-Mg-Si合金板材の曲げ加工性に及ぼす粒界組織の影響
    Effects of Microstructural Features of Grain Boundary on the Bendability of Al-Mg-Si Alloy Sheets
  3. Al-Mg合金板の降伏応力異方性に及ぼすミクロ組織と転位セル壁配列の影響
    Effects of Microstructure and Arrangement of Dislocation Cell Walls on the Yield Stress Anisotropy in Al-Mg Alloy Sheets
  4. ろう付加熱時のろう侵食に及ぼすブレージングシートの焼鈍条件の影響
    Effect of Annealing Conditions of Brazing Sheet on Erosion during Brazing
  5. Al-Siろう材合金中のSiサイズによるろう付性の変化
    Change in the Brazeability of Brazing Sheets with Different Si Particle Size in Al-Si Filler Alloy Layer
  6. アルミニウム合金鋳塊におけるバットカール現象のシミュレーション解析
    Numerical Simulation of Butt Curl Phenomena during Aluminum DC Casting

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