Furukawa-Sky Review No.1 (April 2005)

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Change in the Brazeability of Brazing Sheets with Different Si Particle Size in Al-Si Filler Alloy Layer

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  • 土公 武宜
    Takeyoshi Doko
  • 柳川 裕
    Yutaka Yanagawa
  • 田中 哲
    Satoshi Tanaka


Brazing sheet is an aluminum alloy sheet for brazing at around 600ºC that has an Al-Si alloy filler layer on the surface, and it is widely used for manufacturing heat exchangers of automobiles. In order to investigate the effect of silicon particle size in the filler alloy of brazing sheets on the brazeability during controlled atmosphere brazing, brazing sheets with different silicon particle size were prepared by different casting methods, and these brazing sheets were brazed. It was found that the temperature range in which molten filler flowed became lower in the brazing sheet that had fine and dense silicon particles. To control the distribution of Si particle is thought to be an effective way to control the brazeablility.

一般論文 / Articles

  1. 飲料用アルミニウム缶材料の開発
    Development of Aluminum Beverage Can Stocks
  2. Al-Mg-Si合金板材の曲げ加工性に及ぼす粒界組織の影響
    Effects of Microstructural Features of Grain Boundary on the Bendability of Al-Mg-Si Alloy Sheets
  3. Al-Mg合金板の降伏応力異方性に及ぼすミクロ組織と転位セル壁配列の影響
    Effects of Microstructure and Arrangement of Dislocation Cell Walls on the Yield Stress Anisotropy in Al-Mg Alloy Sheets
  4. ろう付加熱時のろう侵食に及ぼすブレージングシートの焼鈍条件の影響
    Effect of Annealing Conditions of Brazing Sheet on Erosion during Brazing
  5. Al-Siろう材合金中のSiサイズによるろう付性の変化
    Change in the Brazeability of Brazing Sheets with Different Si Particle Size in Al-Si Filler Alloy Layer
  6. アルミニウム合金鋳塊におけるバットカール現象のシミュレーション解析
    Numerical Simulation of Butt Curl Phenomena during Aluminum DC Casting

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